Lots of hype this week, not the least of which involves the fact that GenCon is only a week away. I'm hoping to grab the Five Tribes expansion, and spend hours in the Paizo room and at the Hex Booth. Speaking of Hex, Armies of Myth Officially Launches today (barring any last minute bugs). All the information on this patch, which includes extended art and chest opening, is on the link above. With the chests, we're going to get a new surge of equipment to try out in the Arena, so between the new set and equipment combos I'll have some more frequent articles coming up with my thoughts on that. Prophecy and Shift look very fun, and getting a new array of champions is also exciting.
The other big news was Guild Wars 2 finally started up their Elite Specialization teasers this week again with what looks like the Tempest... and oh does it look awesome.
It looks from the picture like they'll be getting a Warhorn, which I'm perfectly fine with thematically. Main hand swords would be awesome for people with the time to craft Bolt, but since I'm not one of those people, I'll just try to save up for the Tempest Warhorn skin instead. Full information on this specialization, including skills and play-style, should be coming out later this week.
The last of the Big 3 games that I play, League of Legends, is also not-so-gently nudging me with the Gangplank rework, pirate skins, and the Burning Tides event, which will feature the Bilgewater Map reskin of the Howling Abyss. ARAM is basically all I play anymore (I haven't even done my ranked matches yet this season), so any excuse to break out a specific champion makes me happy. CLG is also doing well in the last half of the split, winning an incredibly close game against Cloud 9, while TSM seems to have inherited their second-half slump. The last week before playoffs is this weekend, and I plan on celebrating the end of my night audit job watching CLG dismantle Dignitas and Team 8. Don't let me down (they'll let me down).
Last little plug for an indie game I picked up last week: Guild of Dungeoneering on Steam. It's a dungeon-explorer RPG with a card-based battle system and neat little stick-figure aesthetic. I'm about two-thirds of the way through, having just unlocked the last tier of champions. I rushed to the Troubador, which is really fun to play. My personal problem with roguelikes and games with perma-death is I always grow a bit too attached to the characters, so now I'm stuck with either using my Troubador and risking him dying or sending my mid-level guys instead, which probably can't handle these stupid dwarves.
I'll have a full wrap-up of the Armies of Myth patch for Hex later in the week, along with some screens of all the awesomeness I find in my chests. Hopefully they'll have some people data-mining the chest data for equipment and alternate art cards.